Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Made-up or Natural: Men don’t know what they want

*This blog post was originally posted on my tumblr, loveresee.tumblr.com on July 12, 2011. A recent twitter comment about women, makeup, and never finding a man reminded me of this post I wrote. Enjoy!
I've heard men say they prefer a girl that does not wear makeup. These men believe a natural face is much prettier than a made-up face. They feel the makeup does not show the real person and it is all an “illusion”.
What is odd about this situation is that men stare at their televisions, magazines, and favorite internet sites drooling over celebrity women and guess what……THESE CELEBS HAVE CAKED ON HEAVY MAKEUP!

Monday, September 3, 2012

This to That: Earring to a Necklace (DIY)

When I was in the 9th or 10th grade my mother bought me gold name earrings. I was living in Providence, RI at the time and going through a "all gold everything" phase. I use to wear multiple gold rings on my fingers and multiple necklaces all at once. In 11th grade, this style came with me when I moved to North Carolina. Unfortunately, my senior year of high school someone broke one of the earrings and I lost the other one. I was not able to wear them again.

One day I got the idea to turn my name earring into a necklace similar to my silver "Resee" necklace. I had majority of the material and tools needed to do it already. The only thing I had to buy was the actual chain which I purchased from Michael's Arts and Craft store. The items used were two different jewelry plier tools, 5 jump rings, 2 pieces of the fake gold chain, and latch to close necklace. 

My friends audition for #106thesearch

I have two friends that have submitted audition tapes to become 106 & Park's new host after Terrence J and Rocsi leave. I think it is extremely AWESOME that they both decided to go for it. You never know what may happen. 

Chazeen Pemberton has a lot of experience and is no stranger to hosting and interviewing celebrities. She is one of three hosts on her own web talk show, What Would A Man Do. She has also interviewed celebrities such as Idris Elba, Gabrielle Union, LaLa Anthony just to name a few. Hosting 106 & Park would be a piece of cake for her. Chazeen has a fun personality and promotes positivity. Out of all my friends she inspires me the most. Her attitude is there is not she can't do! She is always coming up with different ideas to present to the world.

Friday, August 17, 2012

LR Guest Blogger: Reasons why we are single #2

A notion that haunts many of us on a day to day basis, though we’d like to lead ourselves to believe that the newest trend is as such. BUT here we are with our human nature, which has us longing for a intimacy that many of us cannot find. Why.... Yes that is the real question, why! Well where do you start, where do WE start. A classic cliché such as, times have changed, nope too easy. Perhaps societal differences, but that just derives from times have changed, so no on that easy route. Let’s get real for a moment and look where the problem really is. Ourselves! The last place any of us look, though we stare at ourselves enough in the mirror, or on instagram to know that. Our vanity is our own undoing, we simple spend to much time egotistically involved with ourselves, yet we don’t know ourselves to know the answer at the top of this page. 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

How is it cheating if we are not together?

You are at a party, looking absolutely fabulous, and spot a cute guy. You introduce yourself. After a few minutes of conversation you realize not only is  this person cute but he has brains too. The feeling is mutual and you two exchange phone numbers.
Fast forward two months and things are going great. Weekly date nights and spending nights at each others places. You both are even having conversations about how much you care about each other. He surprises you at work. Sends you flowers and buys you gifts. You couldn’t be happier!