Showing posts with label guest blogger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label guest blogger. Show all posts

Friday, August 17, 2012

LR Guest Blogger: Reasons why we are single #2

A notion that haunts many of us on a day to day basis, though we’d like to lead ourselves to believe that the newest trend is as such. BUT here we are with our human nature, which has us longing for a intimacy that many of us cannot find. Why.... Yes that is the real question, why! Well where do you start, where do WE start. A classic cliché such as, times have changed, nope too easy. Perhaps societal differences, but that just derives from times have changed, so no on that easy route. Let’s get real for a moment and look where the problem really is. Ourselves! The last place any of us look, though we stare at ourselves enough in the mirror, or on instagram to know that. Our vanity is our own undoing, we simple spend to much time egotistically involved with ourselves, yet we don’t know ourselves to know the answer at the top of this page.